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Proof-Based Scanning: No Noise, Just Facts

If a web vulnerability can be exploited, it cannot be a false positive.

This is the guiding principle behind the Invicti Proof-Based Scanning.
Automated and detailed proof of exploitability enables organizations to avoid manually verifying scan results and take control of their web application security at scale.


Dig into the comprehensive feature guide and learn:

●Why Proof-Based Scanning was created

●How 1000’s of organizations use it to streamline vulnerability prioritization and remediation

●How Invicti eliminates the false positives that come standard with other solutions

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Generational Shifts in Marketing Preferences

Exploring the emerging trends in marketing preferences by generation

Over the past decade, advertisers have adapted to the boom of technology and the introduction of various new marketing channels and tactics. From a marketer’s perspective, effectively communicating with shoppers has never been more challenging, given that each generation’s buying habits vary significantly.

We surveyed consumers of all ages to find out which marketing tactics and channels resonate with each generation to help you streamline your advertising efforts and tailor your strategy to your target audience.

Highlights of this survey report include:

  • 96% of consumers feel loyal to a brand, and 84% engage with advertising from brands they are loyal to.
  • Email is the No. 1 channel for all generations except Gen Z, which prefers social media.
  • 81% of all consumers want to receive personalized communications from brands they buy from.
  • The industry consumers want personalization from the most is Food & Beverage



Solving Security Skills Shortage with Policy-Driven Automation

Security teams are challenged to meet rising security challenges with fewer resources.

By automating their security policies, security teams can:

  • Implement policy changes in minutes instead of days
  • Tighten security controls consistently across their organization
  • Quickly adapt to changing regulatory compliance requirements
  • Reduce the complexity associated with managing security and connectivity across hybrid environments

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