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Technology (228)

What Happens to Bio Data?

Bio Data gathered isn’t available to all researchers, reports NPR. There are questions about how the data is made available for use. 

More than a million Americans have donated genetic information and medical data for research projects. But how that information gets used varies a lot, depending on the philosophy of the organizations that have gathered the data.


Using Big Data to Predict Big Data

According to Forbes, Sumo Logic is in a unique position to see the future of big data based on the big data they currently collect. 

Back in 2010, a team of self-described “data nerds” founded Sumo Logic. The vision was to build a platform to deliver–as a cloud native service–machine data analytics for anybody.


Using Big Data to Break Confidentiality

According to Forbes, researchers were able to use a combination of AI and Big Data to determine the participants in confidential legal cases. 

"Legal confidentiality is a shield for citizens." These are the words of Shami Chakrabarti, the one-time director of the U.K.-based human rights group Liberty, speaking in 2018. 


Battling Climate Change with Big Data

Companies can use big data and the internet of things to combat climate change, reports Forbes. 

There are plenty of pervasive myths about the state of climate change today, like that it’s a far-off problem or that it can’t be real because it’s cold out. 


Real Estate Gets into Big Data

Companies are bringing big data to the real estate industry, reports Fast Company. 

It’s easy to track prices of some things: Drive down any major street and you’ll only have to pass a few gas stations to know roughly how much gasoline costs in your area. 


Collecting Data And Retaining Privacy

Google has a new set of tools that can collect some big data that collect data using differential privacy, reports CNet. 

Data about human beings can tell you countless helpful things. How crowded is a hospital waiting room on a typical Saturday? What's the traffic like for your morning commute? But collecting all this data comes with the risk of exposing private information about individuals.


Companies Hire with Big Data

According to Inside Big Data, companies can use big data to help narrow down their employee applicant pool. 

Today, big data is changing the nature of virtually every industry. Recruitment and hiring processes are no exception. Big data has had a significant impact on the way candidates look for jobs, as well as on how employers make hiring decisions. Here are some of the ways in which big data has changed the job market


Big Data in Medicine

Big data can help the medical community make advancements that can save people’s lives, reports Forbes. 

When it comes to medicine there are constant discoveries and advancements in the field. Now with the help of machine learning algorithms, personalized medicine and predictive patient outcome has taken another step towards curing diseases.


Brands Turn to Big Data

According to Financial Times, big data is being used by companies to revive their brands. 

Most foodies and wellness junkies have probably sampled kombucha, eaten jackfruit and tried CBD oil in the past few years as these once obscure products infiltrate the mainstream. 


Big Data at the Airport

Dubai airport is using big data to make airline travel more pleasant, reports ZD Net.

Most people would agree that air travel is, at best, a drag, featuring lengthy check-in queues, laborious security processes and slow boarding systems. 


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