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Big Data at the United Nations

According to CGTN, the United Nations is looking to use big data to help it react in a more timely fashion to crises. 

At more than seven decades old, the United Nations has often been criticized for being too slow to respond to crises. But behind the scenes, a high-tech team is harnessing the power of big data and artificial intelligence to predict, monitor and respond to emergencies


Big Data Gets Recognition

Business are starting to embrace big data and they are seeing a need for employees who specialize in big data, reports BBVA.

Big data is having a huge impact on the business world, and consequently it is becoming an integral part of corporate DNA


Teaching Ethics In Big Data Era

Purdue and Indiana University received grants from the Lily endowment to start teaching ethcis in the era of AI and big data. 

How will universities handle curriculum that teaches students professional ethics in an age of artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning


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