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What Walmart's Intelligent Retail Lab Means for the Future of Data

I recently wrote an article about Walmart’s new Intelligent Retail Lab (IRL) from a supply chain perspective. Walmart’s IRL, is a new AI powered store that uses technology and data to monitor every day tasks from re-stocking shelves, notifying employees when a new cash register needs to be opened; and insuring that there are always enough carts available for customers.


Big Data, AI and IoT: How are they related?

Ever since the invention of computers many developments have shaped human lives. The invention of the internet was a landmark achievement which set up the stage for more things that followed. Many would have thought that the internet was the biggest thing ever but it was only a lead-in to developments in the world of big data, AI and IoT.  Big data, AI and IoT have revolutionized the world we live in but what exactly are these terms?


PMG360 Launches 3 New Properties


PMG360 Launches 3 New Properties for Big Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and Cloud Professionals

PMG360, today announced the launch of the Big Data & Analytics Tech Brief, AI & Machine Learning Tech Brief and Cloud Tech Brief, websites and newsletters serving more than 180,000 IT, C Suite and Operations decision makers.


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