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Data: Integral Part of the Marketing Industry

“Let's work together to identify the ways we'll measure the effectiveness of my work,” Julie Igorevna, founder and digital superhero of Kur8 tells her new clients. Igorevna runs a digital marketing and PR boutique agency that enables tech start-ups to get their story heard. “We strive to help our clients find their creative voice through a variety of services.” So much of today’s marketing industry is driven by statistics that it practically goes hand and hand. Upon opening her agency, Igorevna knew she wanted to incorporate data in her business model to ensure that she could contribute to her clients’ success. “Our data shows that for every $1 spent on email marketing; $44 is made in return.”


Careers in Analytics: How to Succeed as a Growth Manager

According to the Harvard Business Review, every company needs a Growth Manager. A growth manager’s job combines data analysis, marketing, and product development to ensure that company is deploying products and campaigns that yield profitable results. It is the growth manager’s job to interpret these results and advise their peers on the successes and failures of a particular campaign in hopes to increase revenue.


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