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Big Data Is Making Big Differences in The Real Estate Market

The digital universe is highly dynamic and changing quickly. After 2010, we entered a new era where social networks, mobile devices and wearable technologies entered into the equation. These are just a few sources that generate large amounts of data. By 2025 there will be hundreds of zettabytes of data. As massive amounts of data continue to be generated, big data technologies are taking shape. There are technologies, tools and data processing methods that aid in the extraction of all kinds of digital insights. The ability to collect, analyze and extract insight from big data sets has implications to all sectors of business. For example, big data can help companies protect their customers from buying items that are not up to the standard. With this in mind, what differences can big data bring to real estate market?


4 Ways Marketers Can Ensure They Learn The Right Lessons From Data

In this digital age, marketers have more data to work with than ever before. But actually deriving meaningful insights from that data and converting those insights into action is easier said than done. Often, the problem is that, with so much data at their disposal, marketers are confused about where they should direct their attention.


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