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Modern Expense Tracking

DivvyGuide ModernExpenseTracking Page 01Expense tracking that informs business strategy

Your business needs expense tracking if you ever wish to meet your financial goals. Your business expenses are the key to understanding what it takes to run your business and maintain profitability.

You need to manage and track your business expenses in order to:

1. Keep the lights on—literally and figuratively

2. Establish a healthy business credit score

3. Determine profits after revenue

Tracking your business expenses is so much more than just making sure you can cover your accounts payable or finding receipts when tax season arrives.

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The Paperless Playbook Lose the Paper

Dext Paperless PlaybookFor centuries, accounting has revolved around paper.For centuries, accounting has revolved around paper.Paper receipts, paper invoices, and paper ledgers torecord it all. But in the digital world, we now live in,there’s an increasing benefit to ditching the paperworkand becoming a fully digital accounting firm.

So how do you make the switch to paperless?


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