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Cover Your APIs: Securing Your Hidden Web Attack Surface

Modern web applications rely heavily on APIs, yet they’re a blind spot for many organizations. If you don’t know what might be lurking beyond your asset inventory, implementing API scanning can help secure your hidden attack surface.

Read this white paper to learn:

  • How today’s web applications incorporate APIs
  • How APIs have created an expanding – and often unseen – attack surface
  • How to build threat resistance through holistic security that includes APIs in scanning

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Invicti AppSec Indicator: Worrisome Vulnerability Trends in the Race to Innovation

There’s no sugarcoating it: severe vulnerabilities simply aren’t getting any scarcer. In the Spring 2022 edition of the Invicti AppSec Indicator, we’re digging into a huge data set from more than 900 global Invicti customers for a holistic look at these vulnerability trends, and what organizations need to do to improve their security posture.

Read the report to learn more about:

  • The alarming trends that we’re seeing ebb and flow
  • Which flaws are on the uptick and why that might be
  • How to solve issues that lead to poor security posture

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Webinar: Join the (Re)evolution of Security

Security has made a name for itself as “important” and “a priority” for businesses,
but is it being implemented? Are you ready to be part of the security conversation
and know the right questions to ask?

As security and business success become synonymous – we’re wanted to bring together
a leadership panel from across industry and the business to talk about how to:

  • How to enable teams and ensure security decisions are helping accelerate the business, not creating a bottleneck
  • Who is/should be responsible for the security of the business
  • How to be prepared to have data-driven educated conversations around security for your unique threat landscape
  • Sound smart in a conversation about security Identify the right priorities and direction for your organization
  • Convey the security needs of the business to those that might not be well versed in security



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