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Why More Jobs than Ever Require Data Skills Featured

Why More Jobs than Ever Require Data Skills Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Glassdoor recently published their “Best Jobs in America” for 2019 and it was no surprise that data scientists topped the list for the fourth year in a row. Almost every industry utilizes data in some form to build a more efficient business model, and that trend does not seem to be slowing down.

Data scientists weren’t the only data-oriented job to break into the top 25 of Glassdoor’s list. The list that equally rates earning potential, overall job satisfaction, and number of job openings includes many technology-savy jobs such as Data Engineer (#8); Operations Manager (#15); and Java Developer (#22). Business and Data Analysts were slightly lower on the list at #26 and #31 respectively.

Lauren Gagnon, a tech recruiter at a Boston-based company confirms that more roles are requiring analytics skills and not just data-centric positions. She states, “aside from traditional software developers, we are seeing more data being incorporated into job opportunity requirements.”  While Gagnon sees many analytical oriented jobs in operations; she does see jobs in marketing, human resources, and finance. A simply search of “data” in LinkedIn  brought a variety of jobs including Marketing Director, UX Designers, and even Sales Managers.

It’s not just the need to be able to code or read data. An important skill in the data industry is the knowledge of the tools and platforms used to read, interact, and implement data. Gagnon lists products such as CRM Salesforce, and BI giants Tableau and Looker as tools that are essential to any job in data. “Candidates are being asked if they know how to run reports and interpret the data for individual metrics as well as forecasting headcount or diversity & inclusion numbers,” she notes.

As a recruiter, Lauren looks for candidates with a technical background like Computer Science or Business Intelligence degrees when it comes to data-driven positions. Gagnon suggests those with a Candidates understand “the fundamentals of program languages and databases and what their impact is.” When I asked her about data analyst certifications from companies such as General Assembly or Cloudera, she said that while they are valuable they aren’t enough to get you that coveted data scientist job. Instead she insinuates that certifications in pertain platforms like SQL or Hadoop are great to have in conjunction with a Bachelor’s or Masters degrees.

It's no surprise that more and more employees are being asked to know data-oriented skills. With data being such an important aspect of a thriving business, many jobs are starting to require potential job applicants know certain softwares and have data abilities. “Having customer or consumer data can help companies be more competitive because they can analyze trends of website visits (where they are coming from) and then tailor efforts accordingly,” Gagnon reveals.

When looking for a data-centric job, you don’t have to limit yourself to those that have “Data” in the title. As Gagnon states, many jobs are looking for employees to be versatile when it comes to knowing data software and having reporting and analytical skills. One thing is for sure, having experience in data can open doors for you in industries you didn’t know possible.

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